Bertram Derthona towards Eurobasket Rome. Coach Pansa: "Beware of Rome's ambition"
Just over twenty-four hours after the showdown between Bertram Derthona and Eurobasket Roma, everything is ready at the Juventus home for the second home match, which will see the Bianconeri on the pitch tomorrow evening at PalaOltrepo' at 20.30pm (ticket offices open from 19.00pm).
Coach Lorenzo Pansa wanted to focus on his team's moment: “We had a shorter week than usual, having played on Sunday and having the match against Eurobasket scheduled for Saturday. For this reason we tried to focus our work on cleaning up some technical details based on the indications given to us by the first two championship matches and to adapt to an extremely particular team which is our next opponent."
Eurobasket, branded Leonis Group from this sports season, presented itself at the starting line of the championship among the favorites in the top places, having concluded a more than ambitious transfer market with the additions of Sims (Rieti), Piazza (Agrigento), Frassineti (Legnano) and Poletti (Latina), which was echoed by the arrival of David Brkic a few days before the start of the regular season. “This is a deep formation, which can field a battery of big men capable of having a double internal and external dimension and two wingers, like Piazza and Deloach, who love to run and make the entire team run. Given the talent available and given the average experience of a roster in which eight out of ten players have had important experiences in this championship, the Eurobasket we will face is probably one of the best equipped in this championship. We will have to be good at limiting their strengths, being careful not to give them the chance to light up and get into rhythm."
The Juventus training week passed in an overall positive way: "We recovered Quaglia after the setback that kept him out of action in the Treviglio match and we are eager to get back to playing in front of our fans."