Together on the trip to Treviso: info on the bus organized by the fans
The last match of the regular season will see Bertram Derthona on stage on the Nutribullet Treviso pitch on Sunday 5 May at 18.15pm.
To allow all the fans who want to reach the PalaVerde, the fans have organized the bus for the trip. The service of free same-day return trip will be carried out when the minimum number of 30 subscriptions. The departure is set for 13pm on Sunday 5 May from the square in front of the PalaCamagna, with a meeting set for 12.45pm.
The cost of the entrance ticket to the arena is equal to 10 €, while the deadline for registrations is set at 9 am on Thursday 2 May.
To reserve your seat on board, you can go to the office in via San Marziano 4 during opening hours to the public (from 10am to 12pm and from 16pm to 19pm), call the number 0131 1953689, write an email to segreteria@derthonabasket.it or contact Fabio Massiglia exclusively via WhatsApp at the number 338 7525914.
Let's experience the Treviso trip together!