Kenny Gaines Jr: ʺHonored to arrive in Tortona, I can't wait to start the seasonʺ
ʺI am really happy and honored to have signed with Tortona, because I believe it is the best solution for me at this moment in my careerʺ. He introduces himself with these words Kenny Gaines Jr, last addition in chronological order of the Bertram Derthona version 2019/20.
The American player, returning from two seasons in Lithuania at BC Juventus Utena, then spoke about the conversation he had in recent days with coach Marco Ramondino, ʺwho described to me the way he intends the team to play: the first impressions are excellent and convinced me even more of the goodness of the choice I was makingʺ.
ʺI can't wait to start working with my teammates: our goal – continues Gaines – must be to achieve all possible goals. On a personal level I will have the opportunity to compete with a championship as beautiful and difficult as the Italian one: for this reason I am very excited for my new adventureʺ.