Bertram Derthona and LBA team up against violence against women
Attention to social issues is one of the focuses of Bertram Derthona's activity, which has always been careful to propose initiatives and convey messages of strong value. On the occasion of 25th Novemberhave International day for the elimination of violence against women, the Club has proposed a call to action is Legabasket shared and disseminated it to all the other Serie A clubs, with the aim of forming a single team, large and strong, against this form of violence which affects millions of people around the world every year and against all forms of violence in general.
The call to action structured by the Club starts from the story of Mahasa, the young Iranian girl killed because her hair was outside her veil. Therefore cutting a lock of hair becomes the gesture that the Company and LBA have identified as a symbol to raise awareness on the issue.
Bertram Derthona and LBA invite men and women to take a photo or make a video while symbolically cutting a lock of hair and post it on their social profiles tagging @derthonabasket e @legabasket, so that the message can be reshared and has great value on a social level. The reference hashtags, among others, are: #stopviolenceagainstwomen,#derthonabasketsaysNOtoviolenceagainstwomen
The initiative is open to all LBA Clubs and to all people who wish to contribute to conveying this message in International day for the elimination of violence against women.