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Towards the championship opener: a bus to PalaFerraris!

Derthona Basketball Coat of Arms

Towards the championship opener: a bus to PalaFerraris!

In view of the first day of the championship, scheduled Sunday 2 October at 17.30pm in Casale Monferrato against Europromotion Legnano, Orsi Derthona organizes a bus to transport the Juventus fans from the PalaCamagna in Tortona to the PalaFerraris.

The cost of the trip is €6 per person, with departure scheduled from the square in front of the PalaCamagna at 16.00 pm.
Reservations, with simultaneous payment, are collected at the Derthona Basket headquarters (Corso Alessandria, 1, Tortona), during office opening hours.
For information, you can contact the Club on 0131 868803 or by email to info@derthonabasket.it .