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16/05/2024 20:45
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Luca Garri's greeting letter

Luca Garri's greeting letter

And here we are, at the moment I hoped would come as late as possible... But unfortunately this is the player's life.

We are a bit of a nomad and when we find a beautiful city with wonderful people we immediately feel at home.

When I arrived in Tortona the first "STUNNING" person I met was LUIGINO, and I am honoured.

I will carry his memory with me forever and I am happy to have shared all the good moments in Tortona with him.

Here, my wife and I have made friendships that will last over time. I am proud to have shared the victory of the Italian Cup with all of you... It was an incredible adventure, the true value of victories is given by the heart with which you take to the pitch. I am proud to have been part of this DERTHONA BASKET page and all I can do is wish you the best.

I thank with sincere affection all the society that has supported and put up with me over these years... Thanks to all those who opened their doors to us for a dinner or an evening in company, thanks to Marco and Eleonora De Filippo with Ale and Chiaretta who have always shown us their friendship, thanks to all the kids from the Bianconera Area, to Enrico and Marchino and to all those who have always believed in me.

I am and will always remain a Leo. Many thanks to all.



Luca Garri