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18/19 season ticket campaign: almost 200 renewals in the first week of pre-emption

Corner Bertram Arena Derthona

18/19 season ticket campaign: almost 200 renewals in the first week of pre-emption

È Bertram Derthona fever the one you can breathe in the city these days. There First week of subscription renewals, reserved in pre-emption to the subscribers of the past season, it came close share 200, for a percentage that is close to 40% of the total. While waiting for the latest market shocks, we have two weeks left – the deadline is set Friday July 27 – to exercise your right to renew the seat occupied in the past season and at a discounted price.


To exercise your right of first refusal, simply show up in person  Home to Arena Derthona – Via Emilia 130 – among  16:00 and  19:00 of the days indicated.

  • From Monday 16th to Friday 20th
  • From Monday 23th to Friday 27th

The subscription campaign will be valid for a total of 14 home games, with the exception of the "Giornata Bianconera" in which each supporter will be asked to purchase a single ticket. Regarding the possible playoffs, the company will reserve the right of first refusal for its season ticket holders for the first match of each home round and for the purchase of mini season tickets.






Bleachers €90*

Grandstand €140*

Side parterre €250*

Central parterre €320*

*Reduction for: 2017/18 season ticket holders and over 65s
Further reductions: children 4-11, young people 12-18, university students, registered parents, Family Pack



Bleachers €110

Grandstand €160

Side parterre €280

Central parterre €360



 Corso Alexandria 1, Tortona – at the “Uccio Camagna” Sports Hall

 Via Emilia 130, Tortona – at Derthona Arena segreteria@derthonabasket.it