The free sales phase of the season ticket campaign starts today
The Bertram Derthona season ticket campaign for the 9/2019 season starts again this morning, Monday 2019 September 20. After the 372 cards sold in the pre-emption phase - reserved for season ticket holders of the 2018/19 season - this second phase, which will end on Saturday 12 October 2019 (the day before the Lions' home debut, Sunday 13 October 2019 against Bergamo), will be dedicated to the free sale of season tickets.
The Club reminds you that all membership cards signed will be valid for fifteen home matches (including the clock phase), with the exception of the 'Black and White Day' which will take place on Sunday 26 January 2020 (return derby against Junior Casale). Subscription subscribers Lions Club they will be able to access all sixteen regular season and clock phase home games.
Additionally, you will be able to purchase your LNP TV subscription through the company for the price of 30,00 € (full €67,95) which will allow you to watch all the matches of the Bianconeri season and, in general, of the Serie A2 Old Wild West championship via the platform that can be used with Apps for smartphones and tablets (IOS and Android) and the Apps for the “big screens” on Amazon Fire TV, Roku and IOS Apple TV.
With a view to an increasingly widespread involvement of the territory, Bertram Derthona has decided - starting from this season - to include the category Together Lions within your subscription proposals. This group includes Affiliated Clubs, University students, Over 65s, parents with children registered with Derthona Basket.
For all families with children who decide to sign up for the season ticket, it will be possible, upon presentation of the Family Status, to apply the price reduced until 2008 for kids in every sector of PalaOltrepò.
Juventus supporters will be able to purchase their membership card by going to the PalaCamagna secretariat (Corso Alessandria 1) at the following times:
From Monday to Friday 10.30-12.30 / 17.30-19.30
Saturday 10.00-12.00
For any further information you can contact the Club by telephone on 0131 868803 or by writing an email to segreteria@derthonabasket.it
Lions Club €1.000,00
Full €400,00
Together Lions €350,00
Reduced 2001-2007 €200,00
Reduced until 2008 €50,00
Lions Club €1.000,00
Full €300,00
Together Lions €250,00
Reduced 2001-2007 €150,00
Reduced until 2008 €50,00
Lions Club €1.000,00
Full €160,00
Together Lions €120,00
Reduced 2001-2007 €80,00
Reduced until 2008 €20,00
Lions Club €1.000,00
Full €100,00
Together Lions €80,00
Bianconera area €50,00
Reduced 2001-2007 €50,00
Reduced until 2008 €20,00