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Free return buses for Bertram fans for home games against Peristeri and Scafati: how to join

Free return buses for Bertram fans for home games against Peristeri and Scafati: how to join

They will be made available free return buses for the fans of the Bertram Derthona to attend Prime  two home games in 2025 of the black and white team al PalaEnergica Paolo Ferraris of Casale Monferrato, scheduled Tuesday 7 January at 20pm against Peristeri Athens e Saturday 11 January at 19pm against Givova Scafati, respectively for the first match of the Champions League Play-In and the 1th and final matchday of the first half of the season Serie A UnipolThe buses will depart from the square in front of the PalaCamagna in Tortona, returning to the PalaCamagna at the end of the matches.

RESERVATIONS To reserve their seat on board, fans can go to the headquarters of via San Marziano 4 during opening hours to the public (from Monday to Friday from 10 to 12 and from 16 to 18:30, on Saturday from 9:30 to 12 during the week of home games, the office will be closed on Saturday 4 January and for holidays on Monday 6 January), call the office secretariat number 0131 1953689, write an email to segreteria@derthonabasket.it or contact the number via Whatsapp 348 6123395 indicating the name, surname and telephone number of the members.

PULLMAN vs PERISTERI The departure of the buses is scheduled for 18:30 on Tuesday 7th, with meeting at 18:15. The deadline for reservations is set no later than 9:7 on Tuesday XNUMXth, unless previously sold out.

COACH vs SCAFATI The departure of the buses is scheduled for 17:30 on Saturday 11, with meeting at 18:15. The deadline for reservations is set no later than 12:9 on Thursday XNUMX, unless previously sold out.