Bertram Derthona was defeated by Masnago at the end of a match that remained balanced until half-time before the home team's progressive, and decisive, attack. Bertram tries several times to return to contact, but Varese controls all attempts to return and takes the victory.
First quarter made up of partial scores at the Enerxenia Arena: Bertram tries to extend the lead (16-20) in the final half with Daum's triples, but after the time-out requested by coach Vertemati, Varese ends the initial ten minutes with a 9 -0 which sets the score at 25-20. At the start of the second period the favorable moment for Openjobmetis continues, which extends its margin beyond double figures before Wright's plays bring Derthona back into contact: at halftime it is 43-38.
In the third period comes the home team's new break, favored by the great precision in the three-point shot: De Nicolao's basket increases the maximum advantage (64-47) in the 28th minute. In the final stages Bertram shortens to 66-52 at the third siren. In the last quarter Varese continues to find offensive fluidity and widens the gap up to +24 (80-56) in the middle of the half. In the final stages Derthona displays a nervous reaction which, however, is not enough to get back into contact. The final rewarded Openjobmetis, who won 85-76.
Thus coach Marco Ramondino at the end of the race: ʺCongratulations to Varese for the victory, which came at the end of a match in which they were more aggressive and physical than us. It's not the first time that we find ourselves a little anxious and almost surprised when the level of physicality rises. Over the course of the week we predicted this type of match, but playing away has a different impact: we need to shake off the neutrality of last season and take to the pitch more consistently. Mascolo was out until Thursday, today he didn't have any particular limitations but, after going behind in scoring and inertia, my choice was to shorten the rotations. In the last quarter we tried to change our face by playing with Cannon instead of Cain, who is a more internal player who we struggled to exploit. Thanks to Varese's decline, we managed to give a semblance of balance to the last quarter.