Galatasaray and Scafati inaugurate the Lions' 2024: tickets go on sale from tomorrow on Vivaticket
Double consecutive home match for Bertram Derthona in the first days of 2024: the Bianconeri will in fact be on stage against Galatasaray Istanbul Wednesday 3 January at 20.30 pm in Game 1 of the BCL Play-Ins and against Givova Scafati Sunday 7 January at 16pm on the 15th day of the Serie A championship.
Two challenges to experience together, alongside the Lions: the Club announces that, starting tomorrow, Wednesday 27 December, the ticket office is open for both races. From today, and until Monday 1 January 2024, ticket sales will be active exclusively online on the Vivaticket, while starting from January 2nd it will also be possible to go to the headquarters in via San Marziano 4 during opening hours to the public (from 10am to 12pm and from 16pm to 19pm every day, from 10am to 12pm on the Saturday before the home match). Furthermore, the opportunity to purchase coupons also remains at the ticketing of the Casale Monferrato arena during the two days of the competition.
Bertram Derthona communicates that, while seats are available, seats are available in all sectors of the PalaEnergica and that the reductions on the full price - for both the BCL and Serie A matches - apply to Under 18 and to Over 65.
Below is the ticket price table to attend the meeting with the Galatasaray on Wednesday 3 January:
Parterre | 25 € | 13 € |
Tribune | 10 € | 6 € |
Corners | 5 € | 3 € |
These are the costs of the tickets to attend the last first leg of the Serie A regular season against the Givova Scafati:
Parterre | 40 € | 30 € |
Black and White Parterre | 30 € | 20 € |
Tribune | 15 € | 12 € |
Corners | 8 € | 5 € |
For any further information relating to the purchase of tickets for the two matches it is possible to contact the Company by going to the headquarters in via San Marziano 4 during opening hours to the public, by calling the number 0131 1953689 or by writing an email to segreteria@derthonabasket.it
To allow as many fans to attend the two matches that inaugurate the new year, Bertram Derthona is organizing the free transport service to reach the PalaEnergica. The bus departure is set at 18.30 hours on Wednesday 3 January and at 14 hours on Sunday 7 January from the square in front of the PalaCamagna in Tortona. To reserve your seat on board you can contact the Company by writing an email to segreteria@derthonabasket.it, going to the headquarters in via San Marziano 4 on the days and times open to the public, by calling the number 0131 1953689 or by contacting Fabio Massiglia exclusively via WhatsApp at the number 338 7525914. The deadline to join the bus for the BCL match is set at 12pm on Friday 29 December, while for the match with Scafati it is set at 12pm on Thursday 4 January.
Let's experience the black and white double date together at the beginning of 2024.