Gianluca Mazzoncini: ʺTo Tortona to get back into the game. There is great harmony with the technical staffʺ
ʺThe feeling with Tortona was born immediately, when I spoke with coach Ramondino and was able to visit the city and the sporting environment. I felt the need to get back into the game after many years spent in Pistoia, my hometown, and in Derthona I found the ideal solution. Initial impressions are positive; I decided to move down a category because A2 is a championship that I like. Thus begins the first interview of Gianluca Mazzoncini, who arrived in the city in the summer and has been a professional in the world of sport for almost twenty-five years.
ʺI have a degree in sports science – continues the new Juventus physical trainer – I teach courses for National Physical Trainers, I have a qualification as a specialist coach in athletics and for many years I have worked in the world of football. I have been in basketball for twenty years, fourteen of which were spent between Serie A and A2.
In these inaugural days of the 2019/20 season, Mazzoncini began working with the team following the program drawn up ʺin agreement with the head coach and the technical staff. In the athletic work sessions carried out so far we have continued to monitor the condition of the players. I believe that this first block of work will be useful for a later moment when we can start building somethingʺ.
Bertram's new physical trainer then focused on the importance of collaboration with the coaching staff, which is very important as ʺwe are coaches of the physical part. The athlete must in fact be seen from various aspects, from the technical to the physical and nutritional one. In Tortona I was lucky enough to find coach Ramondino and a staff that is in tune with the idea of work: this synergy is leading only to positive things aimed at achieving the goal common to allʺ.
ʺI contacted all the players long before they arrived in Tortona – continues Mazzoncini – because this is the way I work. So I already had an idea of what they would do, technically and physically, over the course of the summer. Some of them played important matches with the national team, others worked to maintain their condition. I must say that we are in line with my expectations, the team is motivated and made up of professional playersʺ.
In closing, Gianluca wanted to explain the choice to carry out part of the physical preparation at the Tortona Castle Park: ʺHaving to spend many months indoors on a parquet, I preferred, in this initial phase, to train on a softer surface, which is more motivating for the players. The Castle Park is very spacious and allows better breathing as it is covered by plants: I consider it the best place to carry out demanding aerobic work, even on a mental level, for athletes. I believe that changing the work environment can be very useful and helpful for everyoneʺ.