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Unità Gamma becomes part of the Derthona partners

Gamma Unit

Unità Gamma becomes part of the Derthona partners

Gamma Unit
Derthona Basket is pleased to announce the entry of Unità Gamma, a Tortona-based company leader in the security sector, into its group of commercial partners.

Unità Gamma creates cutting-edge systems and provides real time video surveillance, alarm control and vehicle localization services which are monitored by highly specialized personnel and managed by a 24×365 H operations center, equipped with the most modern software and hardware equipment.
Always attentive to the development of the territory, Unità Gamma employs only local staff and supports the growth of the most promising sporting movements, because both a successful company and team base their victories on the same values: commitment, determination, sacrifice and reliability.

“The decision to sponsor Derthona Basket – explains CEO Davide Grillo – is perfectly consistent with all the initiatives that my company has implemented in recent years to promote sport as a key factor in economic development and social growth”.
For more information, see  http://www.unitagamma.it/

This is the welcome from Marco Picchi, general manager of Derthona: “It is a great pleasure to be able to welcome among our supporters an excellence from the Tortona area, whose vision of sport as a tool for aggregation. I am happy that Unità Gamma has chosen to partner with Derthona to broaden the reach of its commercial message and I hope that this is the first step in a lasting shared path."