Those who don't leave, double: Staff and Derthona Basket together again in 2017/18
Whoever doesn't fold doubles! This year Staff Spa, an employment agency, has decided not only to renew the partnership with Derthona Basket, but to increase its contribution because it believes in this company and its way of working. Also for this reason, and in view of some ad hoc initiatives, this morning a delegation from the Lions visited the course for plastic mold toolmakers organized by the staff at Proplast and dedicated to young workers in the area. On this occasion, coach Pansa and the Juventus players gave Sabrina Castellano an overshirt signed by all the Juventus players, with which all those enrolled in the course also posed.
Thus Sabrina Castellano, director of the Tortona Staff branch: “Derthona Basket in recent years has demonstrated how, with teamwork, unity of purpose and long-term planning, it is possible to obtain excellent, almost unexpected results. These are values that Staff also focuses on, in trying to satisfy the requests of its customers on a daily basis and therefore the collaboration between these companies could only continue, in the name of Tortona and its territory. The presence of Derthona Basket enriched the course, demonstrating how teamwork can work. Also for this reason, Derthona Basket and Staff will soon organize an event to disseminate these common values; Staff will also offer Club dei Leoni fans free advice on job opportunities in our area, on drafting and preparing a CV and on how to approach a job interview. We are proud to have become one of the most dynamic companies in the sector at a national level, now firmly established among the top temporary agencies in Italy after just four years of activity. This growth took shape with the hiring and consequent administration of an average of 700 workers per year at around 6.000 client companies. The common thread is called work, a fundamental theme for each of us, so important that it occupies the first article of our constitution. The company has decided to invest in Tortona with its branch, launching a continuous training plan that will involve young people from Tortona and which we want to convey even better thanks to the relationship with Derthona Basket".