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Bertram Derthona: coach Pansa's point after the first week of preparation

Bertram Derthona: coach Pansa's point after the first week of preparation

It's time for the first half day of rest for Derthona, from this year under the Bertram Yacht brand. We take advantage of the relaxing afternoon granted by coach Lorenzo Pansa and his staff to take stock of the situation after the meeting on August 16th and after the first training sessions.
Thus the Juventus coach: “We pushed hard from day one, the boys worked with great intensity both on the physical and technical parts, paying great attention to details and to the first collaborations we introduced. We had some problems in being at full strength in these first training sessions, but they were simple setbacks typical of the first week of work. Next week's objective will be to work with better continuity, to arrive as ready as possible for a first test which will be particularly challenging from an athletic and technical point of view: on that occasion we will have to draw the first indications of the level of technical understanding and the first game ideas we gave ourselves."

Tomorrow morning the Lions will meet on the sports field of the Cucchi facility to resume preparation: the week will be finalized by Bertram Derthona's first outing of the season, scheduled for Sauze D'Oulx, at 17.30 pm, against Auxilium Torino.
Directions for fans who want to reach Sauze D'Oulx:
In relation to the limited capacity of the Sauze d'Oulx arena in which Auxilium Fiat Torino - Bertram Derthona will be held, and the almost certain "sold out" situation, Bertram Derthona communicates that he has a quantity of tickets available, to be assigned until sold out and free of charge to all those who request it. Reservations must be made via email to info@derthonabasket.it, indicating name, telephone number and quantity requested. and will be considered valid once the company responds affirmatively.