The presale for Orsi Derthona – Mens Sana Siena starts on Tuesday
The presale of tickets for the match between Orsi Derthona and Mens Sana Siena will open tomorrow morning, a match scheduled for Saturday 8 April at 20.30pm at the PalaOltrePo' in Voghera.
Fans and enthusiasts will be able to purchase tickets on the VivaTicket website (http://www.vivaticket.it/ita/event/derthona-basket-mens-sana-siena/95263) or at the PalaCamagna in Tortona (Corso Alessandria, 1), on these days and times:
Tuesday 4 April: 17.00pm – 19.00pm;
Wednesday 5 April: 17.00pm – 19.00pm;
Thursday 6 April: 17.00pm – 19.00pm;
Friday 7 April: 17.00pm – 19.00pm.
Tickets will go on sale on Saturday 8 April at the PalaOltrePo' in Voghera, starting from 18.30 pm.