The XNUMXth edition of the 'Cima Memorial' was presented today
Piervittorio Ciccaglioni, Councilor for Sport and Disability Manager of the Municipality of Alessandria – proving how the social and sporting fabric of the city is excellent. I also thank the IDEA Association, which highlights these
initiatives.Gianluca Marocco, from the Alessandria and Asti Volunteer Services Centre, then continued by stating how ʺour task is to highlight the very meaning of volunteering. Thanks to initiatives of this type, our work is also valued: for this we are happy.
ʺThe worlds of sport and volunteering are increasingly interconnected and the Federation intends to be a living part of societies, starting – states Mario Robotti, FIP Delegate of the Province of Alessandria – from the activities of children and young people. Sport is an important component of living together, even in high-level societies.
ʺWe wanted to lend a hand to Paolo and the IDEA Association by playing against Antibes – comments Giacomo
Carrera, DG of Junior Casale – that can give something new to the public. We think this is a good way to show solidarity.
He then spoke Roberto Tava, president of Bertram Derthona, who explained that ʺwe wanted to make the Cima Memorial coincide with the official Super Cup match against Torino. We are a profoundly renewed team compared to last year and made up of young profiles. With Turin it's almost a derby because we have coach Cavina as an opponent and we have Ferencz Bartocci, who was the DG of the Turin team last year. I want to underline that the humanitarian nature must come first, because we want to lend a hand to Paolo Berta. It will also be a nice opportunity to see some friends.
In closing Paolo Berta, president of the IDEA Onlus Association, wanted ʺthank everyone present and Ernesto's family who continues to trust the IDEA Association. I also want to thank Roberto Tava, DG Ferencz Bartocci and Derthona Basket who decided to give us this gift. Casale did not want to be outdone and so we were able to double our commitment by working this summer to be ready to host such important matches.