Minibasket starts again from Monday 13 September
The 2021/22 season is in full swing and, with the start of school, Bertram Derthona announces that Juventus minibasketball will start again from Monday 13 September, at the PalaCamagna (in the Armana and Codevilla gyms). For all children born between 2010 and 2017, there will be the possibility of taking the free trial until September 30th.
GROUPS There are five groups into which the young basketball players will be divided: Esordienti (born in 2010), Aquilotti 2011, Aquilotti 2012, Scoiattoli (2013-2014) and Pulcini (2015-2016-2017). Due to anti-Covid-19 regulations, groups will be made up of a maximum of 24 children. Training can be carried out regularly with physical contact.
CONTACT US For further information it will be possible to contact the company on 0131 868803 and the minibasket manager Andrea Fanaletti, by telephone on 348 3765309 or by writing an email to andrea.fanaletti@derthonabasket.it
IMPORTANT Don't forget to bring your weekly self-certification, medical certificate and change of shoes. Also due to anti-Covid-19 regulations, parents will not be able to attend training sessions.