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Lions and Giraffes together again: the partnership with Castelnuovo Scrivia has been strengthened

Lions and Giraffes together again: the partnership with Castelnuovo Scrivia has been strengthened

Two reference companies, in men's and women's, for the Tortona area and for the entire province of Alessandria united under the brands of the Gavio Group, main sponsor - with Bertram Yachts and Autosped - of both. Derthona Basket and BC Castelnuovo Scrivia, for several years, have carried out a synergy based on sharing training and competition spaces (the team now coached by Francesca Zara, in fact, plays its internal matches at the PalaCamagna in Tortona), of common events and growth of the respective youth sectors.

The collaboration between the two clubs, as mentioned, also develops on a technical level, with the aim of involving the greatest number of basketball clubs in the area in the project and in the growth path that wants to be undertaken.

Both clubs will have the opportunity to include, within their youth teams, the players who are considered most futuristic from a sporting point of view. In fact, once the minibasket course has been completed, the young athletes who play in Castelnuovo will become part of the youth sector of Derthona, with the black and white girls who will complete the reverse path: this is evidence of the common interest of two excellent clubs from the area of promote the activity at all levels.

Derthona Basket and BC Castelnuovo also undertake to share, on their communication channels, the initiatives proposed during the season, with particular reference and attention to the announcements of home matches.

ʺWe believe that the confirmed partnership will be an honor for both parties. The connection with Bertram Derthona – the comment of Claudio Bassi, Head of the youth sector of BC Castelnuovo – to whose management we are linked by consolidated and long-lasting friendships, including personal ones, confirms our belief in the validity of the technical project that has been carried out for some time. This is a collaboration that will allow the extension of common initiatives to other nearby companies in order to consolidate a basketball hub extended to lower Piedmont and the nearby Pavia area..

Thus Andrea Ablatico, President of the Derthona Basketball Lab: ʺThe relationship with our friends from Castelnuovo has evolved into a sincere friendship for years now. This must not make us forget the type of excellence that Castelnuovo represents in the women's sector. Combining our shared decades of experience in mini-basketball is a natural development, synonymous with seriousness and professionalism which often are not reflected in alternatives offered to families, in order to then be able to continue and follow the path of each boy or girl in the area that best enhances them from the point of view. from a human and technical point of view, from 4 to 20 years. And we are proud to do this alongside those who have the same ideals and objectives as us.

Lions and Giraffes together again, with a strengthened bond to better face all the challenges that await them during the season.


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