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The BCL Group H calendar: away at home with Murcia, closing on the Igokea pitch

The BCL Group H calendar: away at home with Murcia, closing on the Igokea pitch

The absolute debut in a European competition for Bertram Derthona will be Wednesday 18 October at 20.30 pm at PalaEnergica Paolo Ferraris. The opponent the SpaniardsUCAM Murcia. The closing of the regular season will take place on Wednesday 20 December on the Igokea pitch m:tel.

The 2023/24 BCL regular season schedule was revealed today. Six challenges to be experienced for Derthona, included in Group H of the competition together with UCAM Murcia, Tofas Bursa and Igokea m:tel. Below are the appointments of the team coached by coach Marco Ramondino:

DATA RACE SCHEDULE (Europe time zone)
Wednesday 18/10/2023 Bertram Derthona-UCAM Murcia 20.30
Tuesday 31/10/2023 Tofas Bursa-Bertram Derthona 18.00
Wednesday 15/11/2023 Bertram Derthona-Igokea m:tel 20.30
Wednesday 29/11/2023 Bertram Derthona-Tofas Bursa 20.30
Wednesday 13/12/2023 UCAM Murcia-Bertram Derthona 20.30
Wednesday 20/12/2023 Igokea m:tel-Bertram Derthona 18.00

The first place in the group at the end of the regular season will enter directly into the round of XNUMX, while the second and third will meet the second and third of the other groups in the Play-Ins scheduled for January to decide the other eight teams that will then continue in the next stage of the competition.