Draw your own Mr. Leo: the voting phase begins, in collaboration with Ecogest
Mr. Leo in the imagination of the kids in the youth and mini-basketball sector. An enthusiastic participation in the "Draw your Mr. Leo" contest by the young Leoncini since the first days of May, the initiative is now ready to come to life: in fact, in the next few hours - on the social channels of Bertram Yachts Derthona - the voting will start to elect the best four drawings, which will be included in the Juventus notebook for the 2020/21 season.
Choosing the best drawing, a task entrusted to the fans, is simple: it will be enough to vote with an emoticon in the posts that will be published on the Facebook page and click on the name of the boy who created it in the Instagram stories.
“The final phase of this contest – explains General Manager Ferencz Bartocci – is enriched by the precious collaboration of Ecogest, from this season in the great team of partners who support and support Derthona Basket on and off the playing field. A company that has always worked for safety on Italian roads in recent months. On behalf of the Company, thanks also to the Minibasketball instructors who created their drawings inviting our young athletes to try their hand at the game with fun videos".
“We are close to sport and good environmental practices – comments Valerio Molinari, reference shareholder of Ecogest – This is why we have chosen to support Derthona Basket, because we share the values of a fair and team sport that serves as an example especially to the younger generations. We are very happy to collaborate in this new contest which involves the youngest athletes, making them protagonists of their future. We believe in the importance of raising environmental awareness from the first years of life to help make each of our "little lions" responsible and attentive to the environment. Each of the participants will receive a gadget designed and created by Ecogest, while the winner, in addition to a small prize for the purchase of books or educational material, will be given the opportunity to actively participate in the creation of the drawings to support the infographics that will accompany the project of Ecogest aimed at raising awareness of the best practices to be adopted to safeguard the environment in the common areas and changing rooms of the building that hosts and will host the Derthona matches".
An important partnership, that between Bertram Yachts Derthona and Ecogest, further strengthened by this collaboration in the final phase of a contest that aims to put the kids from the youth sector and mini-basketball at the center, with their artistic streak.
The challenges will be direct elimination, and the scoreboard will be divided into two categories: Beginners-Eagles and Squirrels-Chicks. The four winning drawings will emerge from these two separate boards.
We look forward to seeing you on our social pages to elect the four best works produced by the young Leoncini.