Derthona Basket and Centogrigio collaborate together with Gestione Cittadella. A playground is under construction in the sports center
The new collaboration born between was presented during a press conference Derthona Basketball - with Citadel Management - And Centogrigio Sports Village di Alexandria. “Great basketball is here”, says the banner placed at the entrance of the Alessandria sports center on the fences that delimit the construction site on which the playground is being built, the heart of the collaboration. The outdoor basketball court, usable for both the traditional 5-on-5 and 3×3, aims to involve basketball fans in Alessandria, especially the younger ones, to whom the project is addressed, which will also see the Derthona youth teams train in the new facility in the future. The partnership is witnessed by the presence in the Centogrigio meeting room of the three teams of Derthona Basket and BCC Derthona Basket fresh from the important results obtained at the 3×3 National Youth Finals, accompanied by the president of the men's youth sector Claudio Coffano. In the audience, a sign of closeness from the respective municipal administrations, the mayor of Alessandria George Abonante and the President of the Sports Commission of the Municipality of Tortona Antonio Simoniello.
“The will is to be present daily as Derthona Basket in Alessandria, our goal as a Company is to work in the territory also uniting the various existing sports realities and we would like to try to give more and more energy and impetus in this sense starting from the spaces dedicated to young people”, the words of the CEO of Derthona Basket and Gestione Cittadella, Ferencz Bartocci. "The Cittadella dello Sport will soon be inaugurated in its entirety, so it will be able to host our Serie A matches as soon as possible, but above all it was born as a point of socialization. From this point of view, the link with Centogrigio is important because the mission of the two entities is similar, to create spaces where especially the youngest can play and have fun in safety. We have liked the idea of combining for a long time and this is the right time to start the collaboration, because with the opening of our new sports center in Tortona and with Centogrigio we can think of making this area a center of excellence not only nationally for large events of any kind. The idea of the playground – continues Bartocci – is to finally put a basket inside this splendid sports centre, the field will reflect the technical characteristics of the two already present inside the Cittadella dello Sport, thanks to the collaboration with Mapei and Sportsystem, who are the suppliers respectively of the base and the baskets, homologable for national and international competitions”.
The president of Centogrigio Sport Village, Gilbert Preda"The choice made for this five-year collaboration dates back to 2022 and I want to say that it is a choice that I would make again today, thanking Bartocci for the great availability shown. It is an ambitious project that looks to the future, we expect to complete the playground within 4-5 weeks and then evaluate the project as a whole in a year to be able to improve it further. A modification will be made to the entrance of the sports center, adding a road open to cars and with parking available for the disabled. There will be shops and offices that will be opened on the back of the covered grandstand of the playground and that will overlook it and the adjacent five-a-side football pitch”.
For the Serie A of Bertram Derthona, one of the assistants of the head coach Walter De Raffaele spoke, the coach Giovanni Bassi"Playing on a playground puts everyone on the same page and no one prevails, regardless of their age or their technical skills. The project presented is very reminiscent of unity, I am Tuscan, we invented the “bell tower”, so seeing this unity of purpose between two realities, one from Tortona and one from Alessandria, can only be a positive sign for the province”.