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Bertram Derthona and Torneo Armana together again in the 2023 edition

Bertram Derthona and Torneo Armana together again in the 2023 edition

La Bertram Derthona takes the field alongside the Armana Tournament also in the 2023 edition of the summer 3x3 in which the best performers of the discipline at a national level will compete.

It is with great pleasure that the two companies announce the renewal of the partnership also on the occasion of the 19th edition of the Armana Tournament which is part of the "Estathé 3×3 Italia Streetbasket FIP ​​Circuit"To be held on 17 and 18 June.

Bertram Derthona and the Tournament ARMA they constitute two excellences in the world of national basketball. The first as a top team in Serie A, the second as the main exponent of 3X3 basketball at a national level.

The two companies will collaborate in the realization of the Tournament ARMA with particular attention to the youth sector (Under 13/14-U15-U17–U19) and minibasketball, confirming the commitment of both to the development of the youth movement in the area and with a view to introducing more and more young people to the game of basketball.

The Armana Tournament, born in the memory of prof. Mario Armana, will also be one of the five Master stages of the 2023Estathé 3×3 Italia Streetbasket FIP ​​Circuit, the official circuit of the Italian Basketball Federation dedicated to the 3 against 3 movement, which will award the pass to access the National Finals. On that occasion the title of 3 3x2023 Italian Champion will be awarded.

In addition to the Master tournament, the 2023 edition of the Tournament ARMA confirms the dispute of the tournaments minibasketYouth (Under 14/15/17/19)Amateurs ed Over 40.

"We are delighted with this partnership with an important reality in the panorama of the top basketball series such as Bertram Derthona - they say Mark and Matthew ARMA and we would like to give special thanks to the President Marco Picchi and the CEO Ferencz Bartocci who enthusiastically welcomed our project and deployed their staff to support us in the realization of the 2023 edition. A special thanks also to Dr. Beniamino Gavio who did not fail to be close to the Armana Tournament, proving himself to be a great basketball fan and above all a person with a big heart. We would like to remind you that the Armana Tournament has as its primary objective to donate its proceeds to charity, supporting, as it has for many years now, the Enrico Cucchi Association - volunteers for palliative pain care".

“Derthona Basket is writing the history of this sport at the highest levels – the words of Ferencz Bartocci, CEO of the Club – and it's nice to be a protagonist at the Armana Tournament because it represents the roots from which this splendid adventure was born which sees us as protagonists in Serie A".

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