Autosped BCC Derthona-Geas Sesto San Giovanni is worth the Coppa Italia Final Four: tickets on sale now
A new appointment with history for Autosped BCC Derthona, who on Sunday 5th January at 20.30 pm at the Cittadella dello Sport will face the Geas Sesto San Giovanni in the second and final qualifying round for the Coppa Italia Final Four. An important match for the Giraffes, in their first season in Serie A1 and already capable of earning the right to be among the best four in the event that will be held in February in Turin.
The cost of the ticket (single seat) to attend this important race is equal to 5 €Tickets for Sunday's match will go on sale this afternoon at 15pm on the website Vivaticket. It will be possible, until all available seats are filled, to purchase tickets at the Derthona Basket headquarters, in via San Marziano 4 starting from Thursday 2 January, and at the ticket office of the Cittadella dello Sport on the afternoon of the match day.
The match against Geas will be a challenge to be experienced all together, in the magnificent setting of the Cittadella dello Sport facility.