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09/02/2025 19:30
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Derthona's heart is great: Scafati defeated in a comeback in the final, Bertram returns to the Final Eight

Derthona's heart is great: Scafati defeated in a comeback in the final, Bertram returns to the Final Eight

Bertram Derthona – Givova Scafati 99-94

(24-27, 47-50, 70-80)


Bertram: Zerini 2, Vital 22, Kuhse 11, Gorham, Candi 3, Denegri 3, Strautins 14, Baldasso 5, Kamagate 8, Biligha 17, Severini 10, Weems 4. Coach De Raffaele.

Scafati: Gray 21, Sangiovanni n/a, Zanelli 10, Anim 12, Ulaneo, Sorokas 5, Pezzella n/a, Miaschi 14, Cinciarini 13, Jovanovic 12, Akin 7. Coach Ramondino.

Referees: Rossi of Anghiari (AR), Borgo of Grumolo delle Abbadesse (VI), Capotorto of Rome.

viewers: 2063.


Bertram Derthona does not miss the match point and flies to the Italian Cup. At the PalaEnergica Paolo Ferraris the black and whites make theirs the match of the 15th day of Serie A Unipol against Givova Scafati by 99-94, the success that was missing to certify in the last round of the first round the qualification to the Final Eight without having to wait for the result tomorrow in Varese di Treviso, the only one that could still exclude them from the tricolor tournament in Turin.

Derthona gets it with a comeback full of heart after a game that saw them down from the eighth minute of the first quarter until 39” from the end, when the match-winner Christian Vital scores the first (pictured) of two triples that bring down the Casale Monferrato facility, from 91-91 at -1'56” – previously tied by two free throws by Weems on an offensive rebound – to 97-91 with 7” to go. These are the two baskets that not only unleashed the unstoppable joy of the over two thousand black and white fans but also neutralized the -11 that with eight minutes left on the clock, 73-84, seemed to be enough to land the coup against the Campania guests of the new coach and former Tortona coach Marco Ramondino, awarded in the pre-game, together with his assistant and another former Gianmarco Di Matteo, by the president of Derthona Basket, Marco Picchi.

The entire team did not give up during a match that several times seemed to be able to take the definitive direction of a Scafati very effective offensively with Anim, Jovanovic, Zanelli, Cinciarini and the top scorer of the championship Gray, on the evening in which the known absence of Pinkins was added to that of Stewart at the last moment. Severini was the one who held out the most for Bertram in the first half, Biligha the one who did not make the early problems of Kamagate's fouls felt, branding with 15 personal points a third quarter that still ended with the guests +10, 70-80, Kuhse (with a new seasonal record of 11 assists), the revived Kamagate, Weems (fundamental his super block on Gray on 91 all) and the aforementioned Vital (4/7 from three) were the tips of the winning quintet that had in Denegri the precious dark worker.

Having snatched with a roar the ticket for the Final Eight and climbed to the temporary seventh place in the standings while waiting for the round to be completed, on Tuesday for Bertram there is another match-point at European level, the Game-2 of the Play-In at the home of the Greeks of Peristeri Domino's, which in case of victory would immediately open the doors to the Top 16 of the Champions League with the 2-0 in the series without having to return for the decisive Game-3 in Casale Monferrato. After the trip to Greece, the championship will instead open the doors to the return round with the trip of the black and whites on the field of the fresh winter champion Germani Brescia.


STATEMENTS "A very hard but strongly desired victory", is the coach's comment Walter De Raffaele. "I have to compliment Scafati who played a game as I expected, with great energy and intelligence. We didn't play well, but ours is a team that never gives up, that finds resources from anyone, today Biligha and Denegri were two important players beyond Vital's decisive baskets. I also have to thank the crowd that was close to us, it's a very important component for us. Just as important is this success for two reasons: the first because we're on a 9-6 record, a record that two seasons ago earned Pesaro fourth place, so hats off to the team for these 18 points, with many Italians as protagonists; the second for the qualification for the Italian Cup that keeps us within all our objectives. This is a very difficult championship, there are valuable teams that remained outside the Final Eight, we are in and we must be very happy because these results are never a given. It's important to earn things and rejoice, something I always tell the team".