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Tickets for the playoffs go on sale on Monday 8 May: info on costs, pre-emption and purchase methods

Tickets for the playoffs go on sale on Monday 8 May: info on costs, pre-emption and purchase methods

The match on the pitch of VL Carpegna Prosciutto Pesaro scheduled for Sunday 7 May at 18pm will close the regular season of Bertram Derthona, already certain of the home advantage in the playoff quarter-finals.

While waiting to know the opposing team and the match calendar, the Company communicates that, starting from Monday May 8, they will be on sale i Tickets and the mini-subscription to watch the first two matches of the series.

On days of Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th May, all season ticket holders will be able to exercise their right of first refusal to maintain, even in the playoff quarter-finals, the same place they had in the fifteen regular season home games. Starting from the morning of Wednesday May 10 the sale will be free and open to fans who intend to purchase tickets or mini-season tickets.

Bertram Derthona has reserved a discount for all those who purchase the mini season ticket for Race 1 and Race 2: season ticket holders have been given the 20% compared to the full price of the two tickets, while for non-subscribers the discount is equal to 10%. The mini-subscription at a discounted price 20% it can be purchased for subscribers only in the secretariat, while only the one with the 10% discount.

La headquarters in Via San Marziano 4 will be open to the public from Monday 8th to Friday 12th from 10am to 12pm and from 16pm to 19pm. Alternatively, it will be possible to purchase coupons and the minipack on the Vivaticket or at the PalaEnergica ticket office on match days starting 90 minutes before tap-off.

Below is the table of discounted prices for the mini-subscription:

Parterre Derthona 96 € 108 €
Black and White Parterre 80 € 90 €
Side parterre 64 € 72 €
Derthona Grandstand 48 € 54 €
Black and White Grandstand 42 € 47 €
South curve 20 € 23 €
Curva Nord Derthona 16 € 18 €

- Under 18 and Over 65, both subscribers and non-subscribers, will enjoy a further 20% discount on the price of the mini-subscription reserved for them.

Starting from Monday 8 May it will also be possible to buy individual tickets for Race 1 and Race 2: on these, season ticket holders will be entitled to a discount of 10% on the full cost. Below is the price table:

Parterre Derthona 54 € 60 €
Black and White Parterre 45 € 50 €
Side parterre 36 € 40 €
Derthona Grandstand 27 € 30 €
Black and White Grandstand 23 € 26 €
South curve 12 € 15 €
Curva Nord Derthona 9 € 10 €

Even on individual tickets, the Under 18 and Over 65 will be able to benefit from a 20% discount compared to the prices indicated above.

For any further information relating to the purchase of tickets and mini-subscriptions, you can contact the Company by telephone on the number 0131 1953689 or by writing an email to segreteria@derthonabasket.it

Let's experience the first two matches of the Lions' quarter-finals together!

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