The quarter-final series is approaching: info on mini-season tickets and tickets for season ticket holders
A few days until the start of the playoff quarter-final series, in which Bertram Derthona will face Dolomiti Energia Trentino. Race 1 is set for 18pm on Sunday 14 May, Race 2 at 19pm on Tuesday 16 May.
The Company reminds you that Seasonal season tickets are not valid as admission to the arena, so all those who have attended the fifteen matches played so far with their season ticket must purchase a mini-season ticket or ticket to attend the first two matches of the series.
There are two sales methods that seasonal season ticket holders can use to buy the minipack with the discount 20%:
- go to the headquarters in via San Marziano 4 until 19pm tomorrow, Friday 12 May, and from 10am to 12pm on Saturday 13 May;
- go to the PalaEnergica ticket office starting from 16.30 pm on Sunday 14 May.
Only the mini-season ticket is on sale online on the Vivaticket website with a discount of 10%. Below is the price table:
Parterre Derthona | 96 € | 108 € |
Black and White Parterre | 80 € | 90 € |
Side parterre | 64 € | 72 € |
Derthona Grandstand | 48 € | 54 € |
Black and White Grandstand | 42 € | 47 € |
South curve | 20 € | 23 € |
Curva Nord Derthona | 16 € | 18 € |
- Under 18 and Over 65 who have signed up for the season ticket will enjoy an additional 20% discount on these prices.
Season ticket holders will also be able to purchase individual tickets for the two races. Even in this case the Under 18 and Over 65 are entitled to an additional 20% discount on the full cost of the ticket. Below is the price table:
Parterre Derthona | 54 € | 60 € |
Black and White Parterre | 45 € | 50 € |
Side parterre | 36 € | 40 € |
Derthona Grandstand | 27 € | 30 € |
Black and White Grandstand | 23 € | 26 € |
South curve | 12 € | 15 € |
Curva Nord Derthona | 9 € | 10 € |
For any further information relating to tickets and mini-passes, you can contact the Company by going to the headquarters in Via San Marziano 4 during opening hours to the public, or by calling the number 0131 1953689 or by writing an email to segreteria@derthonabasket.it