Let's plant the future: Derthona Basket and Riccoboni for a greener territory
The territory, the plants, the earth. At the center of everything. This is the beating heart of the initiative conceived and developed by Derthona Basket and Riccoboni Holding, jersey partner of the Juventus Club. A tribute to the city of Tortona through the involvement of the Municipality and the schools. All inspired by the extraordinary year put in so far by the Lions, with the record of initial victories in the championship, second place in the Green Group at the end of the regular season and the playoffs won as third in the standings. The regular season saw the Bianconeri collect 17 victories, equivalent to 34 points. As many plants as will be donated to the city.
Indeed “We plant the future” will include the planting - during 2021 - of 34 trees in the area of the Theater and the Dellepiane Swimming Pool, an area indicated by the Municipality's experts. Today, Friday 21 May 2021, the first two maples were planted, in an event that also involved the Diocese, in the person of His Excellency the Bishop Mons. Vittorio Viola, and the Police Force, as proof of the strength of a territory capable of working together to promote itself as best as possible. Then, on November 22, 2021, World Tree Day and the optimal time for irrigation and rooting, more maples, lindens, ash trees and hornbeams will be planted, so as to involve seven different flowerbeds in two city green areas.
After the planting, the Tortona school buildings will also come into play, adopting every single tree and organizing contests aimed at maintaining it in the best possible way, so as to stimulate the attention and curiosity of the new generations.
Moderated by Ferencz Bartocci, General Manager of Derthona Basket, today's event saw numerous interventions, from that of Riccoboni, promoter of the initiative, in the person of Marco Riccoboni, CEO of the company, to that of the Corso Alessandria Club , passing through the Mayor and the Tortona schools.
Marco Riccoboni, CEO of Riccoboni Holding: “Building a more sustainable world is the mission our company has always believed in and been committed to. To increase general attention towards environmental protection, the construction of a more circular economy and the correct use of natural resources, we have chosen to engage in the Riccoboni New Generation program with rapid and concrete actions that can contribute to improve the liveability and environment of a local community. We are therefore very happy to give these 34 trees to the city of Tortona because they not only represent a contribution to the development of public green spaces and the memory of a great sporting season but will become an educational tool to connect school children and the environment" .
Roberto Tava, president Derthona Basket: “It is a source of great pride and responsibility for us to take part in this initiative. Before being a basketball team, we feel like a connection between people and the territory, a driving force from which to launch initiatives aimed at enhancing the sense of belonging to this splendid land of Tortona. Projects of this kind, which combine attention to greenery with love for our people, are what make us proud to represent and defend the colors of Derthona Basket".
Federico Chiodi, Mayor of Tortona: “A heartfelt thanks from the municipal administration and the entire Tortonese community to the Riccoboni family for this splendid initiative which strengthens the bond with our territory, which is already expressed through the partnership with Derthona Basket. The chosen area is particularly significant since this very area, once with an industrial vocation, is taking on a new dimension dedicated to sport, culture and education. In fact, the logistics high school will be located here and a new gym will be built. A few meters away are the swimming pool and football fields of the Cucchi sports center. This planting therefore represents a new step in the direction of revitalizing, from a sustainable perspective, this part of the city".